Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Useful mvn commands

mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true

This will set up the eclipse environment and also download the source for the jar files.

mvn clean install war:inplace

This will create a open war inside the target directory. This is very useful to modify non-java resources.

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

This will skip the unit tests . It helps to speed up the install but it is a bad practice.

mvn clean compile install -Dwas-ejb

This will create stub and skeleton for EJB projects.

mvn clean compile install -Dwas6.wasHome="D:\My-Projects\Pack-group\runtimes\base_v61

This will help to deploy EJB projects into WAS.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

ERROR: invalid console appender config detected, console stream is looping

set JAVA_OPTS=-Dorg.jboss.logging.Log4jService.catchSystemOut=false

Or, do as
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dorg.jboss.logging.Log4jService.catchSystemOut=false